Cross-Platform Rust: Database Access

This series of blogs posts will demonstrate SQLite database access written in Rust and cross-compiled for iOS, Android and Node.js. Why do this? Most apps need some sort of way to store data. Each platform has their own way to store data, so storing data ends up being implemented three times. Duplicate code for the same feature isn't ideal. Creating the database access layer in Rust and compiling for each platform is a way to reduce redundant code.

Using SQLite with Rust

This first post will cover creating the rust-core library that accesses the database for creating and querying records. Let's start by creating a directory which will eventually contain the code for the different platforms.

mkdir cross-platform-rust-database-access
cd cross-platform-rust-database-access

Next, create a Rust library for the database access code which will be reused across platforms.

cargo new rust-core --lib

Update the cargo.toml file to include rusqlite as a dependency. Rusqlite uses the C implementation of SQLite which is built from source at compile time by leveraging the "bundled" feature.

rusqlite = {version= "0.24.1", features=["bundled"]}

Finally, let's get to the code. Feel free to copy/paste the code below. Notice the database_location is used as a parameter to the function. Why? Each platform has different requirements around file access, so the platform needs to provide where Rust can read/write to the SQLite file.

use rusqlite::{params, Connection};

struct Person {
    id: i32,
    name: String,

pub fn database_test(database_location: String) -> String {
    let connection = Connection::open(database_location).unwrap();

        "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS person (
                  id              INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
                  name            TEXT NOT NULL

        "INSERT INTO person (name) VALUES (?1)",
        params!["Ada Lovelace"],

    let mut stmt = connection.prepare("SELECT id, name FROM person").unwrap();
    let person_iter = stmt.query_map(params![], |row| {
        Ok(Person {
            id: row.get(0).unwrap(),
            name: row.get(1).unwrap(),

    let person = person_iter.last().unwrap().unwrap();

    format!("{:?}", person)

Build the project to make sure everything compiles correctly.

$ cargo build

The next post will cover how to integrate the newly created rust-core library in Node.js.

Source Code